Group 1 (Grade 3-6)
During this session, students were able to participate in fun logic games and activities. Some of these activities included the Magic Triangle, where students are given a group of numbers to be placed in a triangle so that all the sides add up to your magic number! After our lunch break, students put their minds to the test completing different logic games with a partner at the Smart Board, links to the games are provided below!
Lights On
Multiplication Blocks
Towers of Hanoi
Rolling Ghosts
Peg Jumper
Group 2 (Grade 7-12)
During this time, students were provided with different logic problem worksheets. After the lunch break, students were able to put their mathematical knowledge to the test through a quiz game called Kahoot! In this game, each student is given the opportunity to answer a series of multiple choice questions on their device. After each question the game calculates your score based on accuracy and speed, and displays the top five scores for all to see!